Monday, December 17, 2007

That's it, it's all over, it's sad moment this, who would be a scout leader?

Tonight saw the end of the centenary for me and my little band of urchins. It's been fun, it's been exhausting, there have been moments where I've sworn never again (waking up in a puddle at 6am at Cherry Jam after averaging 5 hours sleep a night for 5 days and knowing I'd got 14 hours hard slog ahead of me) but also moments where I know I'd volunteer to do it all again tomorrow (seeing people who'd had less sleep than me at cherry jam all ready up and working at 6am having woken up even wetter than me an hour earlier, and they were still smiling!!!!).

My Mum asks when I'm going to grow up and start acting my age rather than my shoe size. I say hopefully never. This has been one hell of a year, one I'll remember, and if one kid had half as much fun as me then it's all been worth it.

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