Friday, June 12, 2009

Phones 4 U

Perhaps I don't have a sense of humour. Perhaps I need to get out more. But when I see adverts like this

The first thing I want to do is go and give someone a dam good kicking, preferably someone at Phones 4 U or the advertising agency that they employ.

Congratulations chaps, you've just managed to piss off 100,000 potential adult customers. Including me. My phone contract is up for renewal in about 6 weeks, guess where I wont be going?



Anonymous said...

I'm with you on this one. I don't normally get offended by adverts or news in general, but having seen this pathetic advert in the Metro this morning I was disgusted! I thought the Scout Association had rules again rubbish like this, so I was searching the web for comments to see what others might be saying about this.

I work in advertising and I'm also a Scout Leader (note its 'Leader' not 'Master' which went out as a term in the Sixties!

Phones4Whoever can forget any custom from me!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on this one. I don't normally get offended by adverts or news in general, but having seen this pathetic advert in the Metro this morning I was disgusted! I thought the Scout Association had rules again rubbish like this, so I was searching the web for comments to see what others might be saying about this.

I work in advertising and I'm also a Scout Leader (note its 'Leader' not 'Master' which went out as a term in the Sixties!

Phones4Whoever can forget any custom from me!!!

CharlieB said...

It's just an ad. It's meant to be funny. Look at it in the context of the other ones they're running. I'd say it's more like clever irony and they're sending up thoughtless black and white views on popularity