Monday, December 04, 2006

There are, I think, different sorts of parents when it comes to Cubs in terms of the support you get.

I accept that not all parents are able to turn up and help out when we are short on bodies, that is the way of the world, people have other commitments, kids to look after, jobs to do, other interest, often voluntary work. That is the way of things. Some though do turn up when we are short and some even see things on the programme they would like to do and volunteer to come anyway, which is fab!

There are others that help with transport or fund raising or background things like that and again I am very grateful, often we couldn't do it without them, they are just as important.

There are many others who can't do either but who are nevertheless often there with a kind word or a big thank you and plenty of encouragment. And that is also very improtant to leaders because we need to be loved as well :-)

But there are also those that can never even be bothered with that. They are certainly in the minority but it is frustrating. You work your arse off to do something for their kids, week in and week out and do they give you a word of thanks? Do they *%$&!

Rant over.

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